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The Private Cellar fine wine exchange aims to facilitate the transaction of wine in a secure and reliable market-place by instituting the following assured processes:


Private Cellar has no exclusive merchant relationships, does not buy or sell wine for itself, nor does it participate in trading. We maintain separate client ownership accounts and support real-time balancing of trade accounts.

Price transparency

Our database of over 250,000 wines in conjunction with daily price searches across the market allow our proprietary algorithms to provide you with the most representative price for you wine in the market.

Find out more about valuations.


Our Wine Passport encourages users to record as much information about the wines they own as possible, enabling a more informed trading decision to be made.

Find out more about the Wine Passport.


We encourage inspection of wines prior to listing and (in lieu of or as well as) by buyers prior to trade completion.


We aim to streamline the settlement process for transactions by minimising the movement of wines between storage facilities.

Find out more about home and professional storage.


Your security is assured with options that are controllable by you.

Find out more about security.

Go to the Fine Wine Exchange.
